Minulé konference
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Viz tady: https://www.prizk.cz/en/konference/ Publikace jsou k dispozici tady.
Příklady konferencí:
II International Conference "Entrepreneurial and sustainable academic leadership" (ESAL2018), 13th-14th of September 2018, Prague (Czech Republic). Materiály konference byly publikovány v nákladatelství Atlantis Press: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icseal-18
II International Conference "Social, economic, and academic leadership" (ICSEAL 2018), 18th-19th of June 2018, Prague (Czech Republic). Materiály konference budou publikovány ve sborníku Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics prestižního nákladatelství Springer Nature.
I International Conference Social, economic, and academic leadership for the future sustainable development of business and education. Materiály konference byly publikovány ve sborníku Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics prestižního nákladatelství Springer Nature: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-74216-8